Happy Step Mother's Day

15/05/2010 21:06

Today I salute you.  Yes, you.  The women that raise his children even in the face of anger, hurt and rejection.  The women that take the time from their lives to put their emotions on the line and in the line of fire for the child that is not their own by choice.  These children become ours not by choice but by circumstance.  And I salute you, the women that take that circumstantial meeting and create a family. 

Today I am grateful to you.  Yes, you.  The husband that loves and supports me.  The Man that gave me a family I did not even know I wanted or needed. 

Today I thank God for you.  Yes, you.  The child that I never saw coming and now could not imagine my life without.  The child that feels torn between two homes and at times feels their heart is split.  The child that takes my hand and shows me love without demand. 

Today I wish for more women like you.  Yes, you.  The Biological Mom that understands the importance of honoring all persons that show your child love and affection.  The Biological Mom that is grateful that her children have another who loves, respects and teaches them without thought for themselves.  The Biological Mom that accepts that her child can love another woman without damaging the love that her child has for her.

Today I pray for us.  Yes all of us; Step Mother, Father, Biological Mother and child.  Together we make a family.  Whether we want to admit or to accept it, the fact remains we make a whole.  

Today honor us all and hope for a brighter tomorrow not just for the 'sake of the child' but for the sake of us all.

Happy StepMother's Day.

